About me

My city of birth is in the north of Germany: Ahlen/Westfalen, but I lived 10 years of my life in the south of Germany with my parents. The city is called Heidenheim. I moved a lot the last 7 years because of my apprenticeships and occupations.

I lived 3 years in Metzingen, 10 month in Düsseldorf and now I've lived in Vienna for 2 years. As you can see, flexibility isn't an issue for me.

I also worked as an sales assistant for groom- and tailored suits during my diploma.

Sroll down to read my short curriculum vitae...


From February to the end of May in 2018 I had a study- break and that's why I chose Australia to be my country to travel through at  that time.

To begin with, I traveld from Sydney to Cairns in two weeks, stayed up in Cairns as an au pair for 10 weeks, flew down to Melbourne and back home. Two aims: Personal progression and improvement of my English, both achieved.


Now I am back in Vienna.

Age: 27 years



Fashion sewer/ Modeschneiderin



Location: Metzingen

Duration: 3 Jahre

Matter: 3 years to learn everything from the beginning. Fabrics, linings, materials, machines and sewing. I went through different departments at HUGO BOSS. From the pattern maker bureau to the quality management office. A lot of time was also spent at the headquater production. So I learned a lot of important processes in the indusrtry and how the different departments have to cooperate to make a collection possible. My main part was to sew suits for men.

Pattern Designer/ Schnitttechnikerin

Jan.2015- Sept.2015

Company: MÜLLER & SOHN

Location: Düsseldorf

Duration: 9 months

Matter: Pattern Designer for men and women includes a 9 months long course/ 35hours a week. I learned all about the basics for pattern design. That means: measuring; tables for width, lenght; pattern composition and darts for every textil.

Fashion Designer/ Modedesignerin

April2016- Sept.2018 DIPLOMA

(Bachelor of Arts,  degree expected in May 2019)

Company: Deutsche POP

Location: Vienna

Duration: 2,5 years

Matter: To get the diploma you have to pass 6 fashion courses. Model Tailor, Pattern Maker, Fashion Designer, Fashion Illustrator, Collection Designer and Fashion Tailor. Moodboards, Trendboards, fashion research, colorcards etc. are topics. Because of my experiences, I exchanged the first two courses into Project- and Marketingmanagement. After passing all of them I got my diploma which makes it possible to be part of the bachelor class that started in June 2018. It's an cooperation between Deutsche POP and the University London West, but still in Germany/ Austria. The language is English and the classes are ONE WEEKEND A MONTH (Saturday and Sunday) in Berlin, Cologne or Vienna. 

The topics are and will be: Fashion Marketing & Promotion; Graduation Project: Research & Design; Graduation Project: Realisation; Portfolio Desgin & Presentation; Critical Essay: Fashion Dissertation.